Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

Both, US and China used devious means to force a tilt, influence outcomes of recently concluded Lok Sabha elections in Bharat Vinod Kumar Shukla Cognitive warfare is the new tool deployed by a few global powers to ensure their continued dominance on others throwing ethics and internationally accepted practices to wind. These powers have attempted … Continue reading Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

California Civil Rights Report: Hinduphobia is real & kicking!

Civil Rights Department (CDR) of California recently put together a report outlining frequency in cases relating to religious hatred in the California state, USA. As per the report, incidences of anti-Hindu hate crimes accounted for 23.3 per cent of all religious hate crimes reported to Department's Anti-Hate Hotline in one year. Almost one-quarter of all … Continue reading California Civil Rights Report: Hinduphobia is real & kicking!

U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals

Prachi Mishra The recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to the United States resulted in several key technology deals, MoUs, and collaborations. With growing penetration of emerging technologies in the socio-economic-political and security fabric of nation states, it is imperative for global leaders to come together and work on challenges that impact everyone. The … Continue reading U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals

Americans Roll Out the Red Carpet for PM Modi

Rahul Pawa | @imrahulpawa Prime Minister Modi's visit is expected to reinforce the Indo-US ties, which are firmly anchored in the shared values of democracy, diversity, and freedom. As both nations confront common global challenges, their collaboration continues to strengthen, fostering a promising future.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ongoing four day state visit to the … Continue reading Americans Roll Out the Red Carpet for PM Modi

‘India deserves a much higher, deeper, wider profile & global role’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi harps on ‘unprecedented trust’ as he emplanes to US for showcasing India’s smart and soft power prowess. By Rajesh Roy, Brendan Moran and Gordon Fairclough NEW DELHI—Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said ties between New Delhi and Washington are stronger and deeper than ever as India moves to secure what he sees as … Continue reading ‘India deserves a much higher, deeper, wider profile & global role’

India, smart power in the making!

G-2 – US and India – super power grouping may not work for either side. Emerging and critical tech at fulcrum of bilateral engagement K.A.Badarinath The very talk of stitching up G-2 super power group between US and India during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit is rather an unforgettable moment. In a fluid global … Continue reading India, smart power in the making!

‘Hatred against Hindus does not shock people’

Treated as ‘oppressors’, British Hindus face bullying, hatred, bigotry & slurs. Teaching on Hinduism with prejudice & colonial mind set Charlotte Littlewood Research I conducted last year for the Henry Jackson Society study found a 173 per cent increase in anti-semitic incidents in UK schools over the past five years. With the more general rise … Continue reading ‘Hatred against Hindus does not shock people’

Foreign Contribution Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2020 And Examining The Role Of NGOs.

“There are NGOs, often funded from USA & the Scandinavian Countries, which are not fully appreciative of the development challenges that our country faces. But we are a democracy. We are not like China. You know for example, what’s happening in Kundakulum [In Southern India, where local NGO-led protest have stalled commissioning of two 1000-Megawatt … Continue reading Foreign Contribution Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2020 And Examining The Role Of NGOs.