Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

Both, US and China used devious means to force a tilt, influence outcomes of recently concluded Lok Sabha elections in Bharat Vinod Kumar Shukla Cognitive warfare is the new tool deployed by a few global powers to ensure their continued dominance on others throwing ethics and internationally accepted practices to wind. These powers have attempted … Continue reading Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

‘Sanatan Dharma is a Way of Life’

Where are the limits to this culture of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, exhilarating mode of realised, liberated being Oopalee Operajita Rahul Gandhi’s recent article on Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma (“Satyam Shivam Sundaram”, Indian Express, October 1) is, tragically, largely based on fear. In the first paragraph alone he uses “fear” and “frightening” multiple times. Why would anyone want to … Continue reading ‘Sanatan Dharma is a Way of Life’

‘Mother India’ Noise for Votes May Not Work

Congress will have to rejig its strategy to take on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. No confidence motion was lost opportunity for grand old party. K.A.Badarinath Who killed ‘Mother India? Was it the Narendra Modi government as alleged by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi or the grand old party that held the country’s reins for over five … Continue reading ‘Mother India’ Noise for Votes May Not Work