Majority Sikhs with India, against Khalistan

Western powers allowing handful Khalistanis to over their streets, resort to vandalism may be a way to pressurise India on Russia Neha Dahiya / New Delhi                       Barring a miniscule, vociferous and terror prone variety, majority Sikhs in India and elsewhere may not subscribe to the very concept of Khalistan. Silent majority may not have come … Continue reading Majority Sikhs with India, against Khalistan

Canada Turns Breeding Ground for Khalistani Subversives!

Hindus were attacked in Mississauga during Diwali celebrations. Slogan mongering & sword wielding Khalistanis led these attacks. Canada seems to be going bonkers on tackling the malice of a distinct minority as well as vocal Sikhs that profess Khalistan. While peace-loving large community of Sikhs living in  Canada have contributed to its prosperity and progress, … Continue reading Canada Turns Breeding Ground for Khalistani Subversives!

Mahatma, an Apostle of Peace

Neha Dahiya / New Delhi, India Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s 153-rd birth anniversary is celebrated on October 2 as international non-violence day in consonance with United Nation’s resolution of 2007. On this day, CIHS team has compiled ten major instances where Mahatma Gandhi’s statues have been defaced, mutilated or pulled down by terror groups owing allegiance … Continue reading Mahatma, an Apostle of Peace