California Civil Rights Report: Hinduphobia is real & kicking!

Civil Rights Department (CDR) of California recently put together a report outlining frequency in cases relating to religious hatred in the California state, USA. As per the report, incidences of anti-Hindu hate crimes accounted for 23.3 per cent of all religious hate crimes reported to Department's Anti-Hate Hotline in one year. Almost one-quarter of all … Continue reading California Civil Rights Report: Hinduphobia is real & kicking!

Pakistan-backed proxies continue to intensify hate crimes against Hindus worldwide.

As of today, Sanatan Dharma, one of the world's oldest faith, is practised by 1.3 billion people worldwide. It is abundantly known across every region around the world, that those who practise "Sanatan Dharma," known as "Sanatanis" or "Hindus," are peace-loving, law-abiding, progressive, open to assimilation, and very supportive of their local communities and neighbourhoods. … Continue reading Pakistan-backed proxies continue to intensify hate crimes against Hindus worldwide.