Chinese Pangs Continue to Stifle Buddhists

US, India should devise a plan to stop President Xi from hijacking selection of next Dalai Lama and preserve Tibetan culture & resources Brahma Chellaney As Dalai Lama, spiritual leader visits US, to receive medical treatment for his knees, concerns over who will succeed him have become acute. While Tibetans around the world pray that … Continue reading Chinese Pangs Continue to Stifle Buddhists

Games that China Plays

Psychological warfare, media propaganda, narratives coupled with operations beyond diplomatic relations is what China is known for. Is the world listening? Dr Amritpal Kaur Prima Facie, diplomacy is a well-rehearsed hard bargain negotiation among countries to achieve the best possible outcomes for a nation without resorting to crude force. What does not however meet the … Continue reading Games that China Plays

Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

Both, US and China used devious means to force a tilt, influence outcomes of recently concluded Lok Sabha elections in Bharat Vinod Kumar Shukla Cognitive warfare is the new tool deployed by a few global powers to ensure their continued dominance on others throwing ethics and internationally accepted practices to wind. These powers have attempted … Continue reading Propagating ‘Truth’ That Never Existed!

When A Nation Crushed Its Own People…

A horrific incident in global history unfolded on June 4, 1989, when Deng Xiaoping, leader of Communist Party of China, declared martial law to trample upon students led protests in capital city, Beijing. The 27th and 38th divisions of People's Liberation Army slaughtered hundreds of innocent citizens, student and youth, brutally carrying out diktats of … Continue reading When A Nation Crushed Its Own People…